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Paris Perrault

Paris Perrault, PCC

Paris Perrault, PCC

Mentor Coach

Hello!  I am a seasoned executive leader with diverse leadership development experience across multiple business sectors and intergenerational work teams. My personal leadership style embraces the foundation of Servant Leadership which values the support and identification of strengths and talents of the individuals to inspire singular and team-based professional excellence and focused intention. I offer challenges to explore possibilities for success and solutions by engaging individuals, teams, organizations, and leaders through cultural diversity and inclusion, inner-vision exploration, productivity, and performance.  I encourage internal exploration to identify, overcome and remove blocks and obstacles preventing growth, success, fulfillment, and joy. My current work provides leadership, life and career coaching to individuals and companies seeking clarity and fulfillment of purpose in their personal lives and communities. My desire is to motivate clients to pursue professional mastery, respond to the highest calling of one’s heart and to be of service to others.

My career portfolio reflects expertise and strengths across multiple Industries. I am grateful and humbled to have served in health and wellness, institutions of higher education, human resource management, private, federal, and local government sectors, Native American Sovereignty, economic development, and as business owner in the entrepreneurship space. My roles within these industries have been: Vice President of Government Relations, Director of Customer Service Operations, Adjunct University Faculty, Associate Division Director for Policy & Performance and Special Initiatives, Knowledge Management Officer, Training & Workforce Org Development Director, Project and Content Manager, Clinical Substance Abuse and Mental Health Counselor, Equal Employment Opportunity Representative, Workforce Senior Advisor/Sr.  Business Strategist. All roles have uniquely prepared me with insights about myself and others to successfully uplift and guide others to shine their internal light.

I am the founder of Leave The Top Open, LLC, and a creative expression space SOUL-FATE-FREE.  Leave The Top Open provides exploration for individuals and organizations on leadership, diversity & equity, coaching and personal vision. The latter focuses on creative expression, wellness, healing collective trauma, social-justice change, and genealogy research. My current course of study focuses on dreams, imagery, and collective trauma and their impact on personal life choices. Present ongoing client work is coaching individuals and working with select organizations in the areas of Leadership, Women’s Empowerment and Entrepreneurship, Wellness & Self-Care, and Community Re-entry After Incarceration.

I describe myself as coach, educator, creative-expressive, intuitive light-worker, writer, researcher and lifelong learner. My private passions are writing across multiple genres, acrylic painting, travel, smooth jazz music, and genealogy research specializing to recover “lost ancestry” especially for people of color. I follow my grandmother’s mantra, “Leave the top open” to give, explore and receive the greater good to serve, hold space and curiosity for Humanity. Paris is a native of San Diego, California, United States. She currently resides in North Carolina and works with clients across the U.S. and abroad.

Education and Relevant Training Accomplishments:

  • e-CLC Coach Certification, The George Washington University, Washington, DC
  • MBA, University of Phoenix, San Diego, CA – Phoenix, CA
  • BA, Major: Social-Psychology, Minor: African American Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara
  • Moral Leadership and Creating Public Value, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Boston, MA
  • Workforce Development 21st Century, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, Boston, MA
  • Executive Leadership, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA
  • Leadership Coaching Certification, Barrett Values Centre
  • Leadership Embodiment, Leadership Embodiment Institute
  • Servant Leadership, The Greenleaf Institute
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and DISC Assessment Interpretation
  • Diversity and Inclusion, SHRM